What you’ll learn?
- Overview of the event
- Purpose of and explanation of the Federal-wide Buyers Club
- Pre-conference survey results

What you’ll learn?
- Traci will explain the mission of the USDS, their approach, and solutions for improving digital services throughout the federal government
- She discusses…

What you’ll learn?
- Greg explains what 18F is doing with their digital consulting practice.
- He discusses the highly-touted Agile Services BPA.
- Greg also talks…

What you’ll learn?
- Mark discusses the Buyers Club approach to improving ineffective and inefficient acquisition of IT services.
- He shares how HHS is testing innovative…

The panel takes questions from the audience and shares different points of view.

Joanie Newhart — Associate Administrator, OFPP
Matthew Blum, Associate Administrator, OFPP
Dan Doney, Chief Innovation Officer,Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Mark Jones, Contracting…

The Federal-wide Buyers Club is being implemented to inform, inspire, and encourage the use of innovative acquisition methods necessary to successfully meet federal IT service needs, though many…
In this inaugural episode of the Behind the Buy podcast series, OFPP Administrator Anne Rung interviews Mark Naggar, the project manager for the Buyers Club at the Department of Health and Human…

The Service contracts account for a significant percentage of your agencies annual contract obligations. Would you like a tool for your agency that will assist requirements generators to develop…